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CK Talent

CK Launches the First Agency Self-Tape and Audition Video Coaching Services for signed Talent

CK Talent is always looking for ways to give our talent the edge in the industry and provide programs to support our talent. Today we would like to announce a new program we are testing out here at CK Talent, which is interactive feedback for actors self-tapes and assist with audition prep.

We realize that self-tapes and auditions for an actor can be one of "loneliness". We hope through this pilot program that it is no longer that way by having a partner to work with you through the casting process. The purpose of this program is to pair the actor with a CK professional staffer who has experience on the other side of the audition process. These staffers include professionals with experience in Directing, Casting or have an acting background, etc. The program aims to help the CK Actor strengthen their auditions and self-tapes in order to give them a stronger chance in standing out to casting and hopefully landing the role. These CK Staffers will review and collaboratively work with each Actor on their self-tapes and stay with them as they go through the audition process.

The assistance can be from providing them a reader for their self-tapes, to video conferencing with the actor to give them live on the spot feedback, to helping them with an audition they are struggling with or prepping them for their callbacks. Each Agent team now has one of these staffers assigned to them. This service is free and open to any currently signed talent with the agency. For more details about this pilot program please reach out to your assigned CK Agent.

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